Water filtration for apartments

by Amanda

How is the water in Vientiane? Can you use the tap to brush teeth, cook, etc, or do you need to bring your own filter? Do most apartments have water filtration and purification systems? Couldn't find a clear answer online.

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Jun 14, 2017
Tap water is reasonably ok in Vientiane
by: Duangpy

Hi Amanda,

Thanks for asking, good question.
Normally tap water is quite ok in Vientiane though there are times when it's not crystal clear but that doesn't happen very often.

We, locals average people, use tap water to brush teeth, prepare meals e.g. wash meat and vegies or even cook. Some better off households may be hesitant to use it for their cooking and use bottled water instead or have their own water filter.

As for apartments, I'm not sure (or to be precise, I don't know for sure) if they have their own water filtration and purification systems. I'd not think so though.

If you already have a portable water filter why not, I mean it's always good to do more for yourself. It's hard to tell if it's clean enough even if it looks clean and clear.

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