Laos Accommodation

Hotels, Guesthouses, and Apartments

Planning to travel to Laos for a short visit, for work or for leisure?
Whatever it is for or however long you plan to stay, one thing that you might want to think about before heading out is your accommodation in Laos.

Searching the internet, comparing prices and reading reviews, jumping from one site to another until one is exhausted with little success might sound familiar to many; at least it does to me.

It would be nice, wouldn't it if some one has shortlisted the available accommodation in the area for you?

This page will do just that.

There are various standards of Laos accommodation to suit every budget, ranging from basic rooms to luxury suites

Here is a list of accommodation in Laos

bullet Laos Hotels
bullet Vientiane Hotels
bullet Luang Prabang Hotels
bullet Pakse Hotels (Champasak province)
bullet Laos Guesthouses
bullet Apartments Rental and Monthly Hotels
bullet Camping in Laos?
bullet Homestay

Laos Accommodation - Hotel Villa SantiLaos accommodation Blue Pool


If you are looking for accommodation in the main cities like Vientiane and Luang Prabang, keep in mind that the most popular area is by the Mekong River and in the town centre. If you want to stay in those particular areas, make sure you book your accommodation well in advance because they fill up quickly.

Rates for Hotels, guesthouses, apartments or house rentals in town near the Mekong River are usually higher than the rest for similar quality.

My recommendation is that if you want to save money, stay slightly back from the river banks and book your accommodation as early as you can. Also booking hotels or guesthouses online with third party hotel booking sites like ensures lower rates than going directly through the hotel's own website, by email, phone or walking in to reception.

And if you plan to stay longer than a few nights, I would suggest you ask the hotel manager for weekly or monthly rates. Many hotels have special rates for extended stays. This can save you a reasonable sum of money.

Most apartments in Vientiane have weekly and monthly rates, the longer you stay the cheaper it is (on average).

It might be a bit harder to find apartments in other provinces, but many hotels and guesthouses offer special rates for long term stays, all you have to do is ask.

Please note that when you rent a house or an apartment in Laos, it is a common practice that you are required to pay 6-12 months rent up front (if you stay that long).

Laos accommodation twin bedThis might sound a bit unfair because it can be a large sum of money, but they don't require you to pay a deposit. Plus you don't have to worry about paying the rent every month.

Whichever type of Laos accommodation you are after, I hope you enjoy your stay. I'd love to hear how you enjoyed your visit and if you were happy with your accommodation in Laos. Click here to share your Laos travel story, experience, tips or whatever you think maybe of benefit to others, and they will thank you.

More great pages for Laos accommodation
Laos Hotels
Vientiane Hotels
Luang Prabang Hotels
Pakse Hotels
Laos Guesthouses
Apartment Rental and Monthly Hotels


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