Laos visa for indonesian pasport holder

by Dian

Can Indonesian passport holder get Laos without visa?


Hi Dian,

Thanks for dropping by.
At the moment Indonesian passport holders CANNOT enter Laos without a visa. You can get a visa at Lao airports and border check points on your arrival.

I was told that the free visa policy between Laos and Indonesia will be implemented next month (April 2011).

I'll keep my antenna up, and will post it here as soon as I have an update.

Comments for Laos visa for indonesian pasport holder

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Jan 19, 2012
visa to laos
by: anita

I am Indonesian and planning to go to Laos on Feb 2012.
Do I need a visa?

thank you, Anita

May 25, 2011
Re: Lao visa
by: D.Phothisane

Hello JL,

That's a good news. Thanks for sharing.
Before I can confirm whether or not the information you got is accurate I will definitely need to check with a trusted source.

I'll make sure to share it here when I have an update.


May 23, 2011
Laos Visa
by: JL

Dear D.Phothisane,

Last month (April 2011) when I was in Cambodia, trying to get visa to Laos, The travel agent in Phnom Phen after attempt to process to get Laos visa at Laos embassy, returned my passport and said that for Indonesia there is no need to apply for visa if it is a short visit (less than 15 days) and at Laos entry post I will be granted a visitor-pass (transit visa?). For longer stay then I will need a visa.

Since I change my travel plan, I did not enter Laos, so I can't confirm the above information. I'll be glad if the above information is correct, since I plan to come to Laos sometime next year.

Mar 19, 2011
No date announced
by: D.Phothisane

I actually tried to ask when exactly the visa free policy between Laos and Indonesia is going to be implemented but no date was given. But the agreement has been signed between the two governments. It was mentioned by another site visitor here.

Mar 18, 2011
Laos Visa
by: Dian

Dear D.Phothisane,

Thanks for the answer.., can I know what date the free visa for Indonesian passport holder implemented?, because me and my friend plan to go to Laos around 22nd April .. thanks for your answer..


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