Visa on Arrival "Border Runs"

by L.

Is the number of border runs one is allowed to do for a tourist visa on arrival limited? For example, in Thailand, your number of border runs may be regulated to ensure a limitation of being on a tourist visa for 6 months/yr .

In Laos is there a similar limit / regulation? For example: you get your first visa on arrival for 30 days, cross the border after 30 days, and come back in for another 30 days. Then, is there a limit to how many times this can be done?

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Oct 26, 2012
No limit but monitoring
by: D.

Hello L.

According to the information I've got from an authority in field, there is no limit to how many times you can get in and out of Laos on a tourist visa. However, they are monitoring you, when you do it many times they will question you. If you can give a good answer then there is no problem, otherwise you can be in trouble.

Hope this is somewhat helpful.
Have a nice weekend.

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