Visa on arrival for Belgian

by Patrick

Dear Friends,

This is a message from BELGIUM.

I will soon be on travel in South-East Asia.
The countries I will visit are in this order:
Vietnam (stay about 45 days), Cambodia (stay about 25 days), Laos (stay about 30 days), Malaysia and Borneo (stay about 30 days), Indonesia (stay about 35 days).
This travel will start in November.

Arrival from Europe by flight will be in HANOI. Return to Europe by flight will be in March 2014 from Jakarta.

All transports between these countries will be by bus, train, boat and/or flight.

I already have my planning in mind, but it is almost impossible to say now how crossing of each border will be.

Now my questions are :
1° Is it possible for YOUR own country to obtain a letter or Visa stamp on Arrival? just having my flight ticket to Hanoi and the flight ticket back to Belgium from Jakarta.

2° Do I need to proof on arrival in each country, how I shall leave it by any means of transport and how long I will stay in any country?

3° I suppose this can provide serious problems when trying to cross at each border? I mean is it possible that customs at border can refuse access to the new country?

I hope to hear something back soon from you.
I thank you very hard for your kind attention and cooperation.

All my best regards and warm friendship to all of you.

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Oct 01, 2013
Lao visa on arrival for Belgian? Yes
by: D.

Hello Patrick,

Thanks for contacting us, it's always nice to know that someone out there in interested in traveling Laos.

Your travel plan sounds great. It's good that you've plenty of time to spend in each country.
Anyway, let's get to your questions (and my answer below each of them).

>1° Is it possible for YOUR own country to obtain a letter or Visa stamp on Arrival, just having my flight ticket to Hanoi and the flight ticket back to Belgium from Jakarta?

- Yes, it is possible. Visa on arrival is issue at most border crossing points.

> 2° do I need to proof on arrival in each country, how I shall leave it by any means of transport and how long I will stay in any country?

- Yes, some countries require a proof such as return air ticket, some don't. In Laos for example, you are not required to indicate how you'll leave the country or how many days you plan to stay, you only need to indicate (in the visa application form) your next destination.

In any cases, if you are unable to provide things that required, I'm sure you'll be asked to explain your situation. If that's the case, put a smile on your face and keep cool if things don't go as expected.

> 3° I suppose this can provide serious problems when trying to cross at each border ? I mean : is it possible that customs at border can refuse access to the new country?

- Yes, it's possible, but this rarely happens.
The best advice would be, do your research before heading to the border crossing points to get the most info about that border.

There are some borders where foreigners are not allowed to cross, here is a page that covers Lao border. It doesn't say which border you can't cross but it says which ones issue visa on arrival, thus implies that you can cross it.
Note: move your mouse cursor over the red dots on the map to see more info.

When you're on the road, you can drop me email if you're unsure which borders you can or can't cross. I might not be able to answer every possible question, but I'll certainly try my best to help.

Hope helps,
Enjoy you travel planning

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